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Meaning of the Name Alpin

The first name Alpin is of Scottish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Anglicized Form of Ailpein, an Old Scottish Name of an Uncertain Etymology
Scottish: Blond

Similar Names

Alban | Albin | Albion | Alvan | Alven | Alvin | Alvino | Alvyn | Albina | Alpina |

Related Names

Ailpean  (Gaelic)
Very Old Name in Common Use in Scotland. The Origin and Historical Development of This Name is Not Known. Variations: Ailpein, Alpine
Alpina  (Scottish)
MacAlpin  (Scottish)
Son of Alpine
MacAlpine  (Scottish)
Son of Alpine

Additional Names

Shaah | Avak | Karlis | Alberta | Kumud | Toman | Jannae | Obert | Seven | Alana | Arthur | Diondra | Melodi | Norton | Ettie |