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Meaning of the Name Alyss

The first name Alyss is of Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Spanish: Of the Nobility

Similar Names

Alis | Alois | Aloys | Alush | Alessa | Alisa | Alise | Alissa | Alisse | Alisz |

Related Names

Alyssa  (Teutonic)
Good Humor
Alyssa  (Greek)
Alyssa  (Greek)
Sane, Logical, Alyssum (Yellow Flower)
Alyssa  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alyssandra  (French)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Alysse  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alyssia  (English)
Variant of Alice
Lyssa  (English)
Honey. Abbreviation of Melissa; Lissandra; Alyssa

Additional Names

Nevil | Vanko | Sheetal | Claus | Althea | Eliot | Argentina | Waylin | Sharika | Harald | Moerae | Sabrina | Michael | Patrizio | Chaka |