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Names That Mean Amal

96 names found for "Amal"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Amal? We couldn't find the exact name Amal, but listed below are some first names meaning Amal or names similar to the word Amal.

Similar Names

Aamil | Amall | Amell | Amiel | Amil | Amol | Amoll | Amul | Anael | Analu |

Related Names

Emelyn  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emery  (German)
Brave; Powerful. from the Old German Name Emmerich, Derived from 'Amal', Meaning Labour and 'Ne', Meaning Ruler. Variant of Amory. Commonly Used As a Surname
Emily  (German)
Feminine Form of Emil: from the Roman Family Name Aemilius, Meaning 'Industrious.' Also a Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Emlyn  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emmeline  (French)
Industrious. Hardworking. from the Old French Ameline, Derived from Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor. Famous Bearer: British Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst
Gamal  (Islamic)
Camel (Jammal, Jamal)
Gamaliel  (Hebrew)
God's Reward. Recompense of God. A Biblical Name Adopted by Th Century Puritans. Famous Bearers: American President Warren Gamaliel Harding
Gamaliel  (Biblical)
Recompense of God, Camel of God
Hamal  (Arabic)
Hamal  (Islamic)
Jamaal  (Muslim)
Variant of Jamal: Beauty. Grace
Jamaaluddin  (Muslim)
Variant of Jamaludin: Beauty of the Faith
Jamaaludeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Jamaludin: Beauty of the Faith
Jamal  (Islamic)
Attractive (Jameel, Jamelle, Jamaal, Jamall, Jamil, Jamiel, Jhamal)
Jamal  (Arabic)
Jamal  (Muslim)
Beauty. Grace
Jamall  (Arabic)
Jamaludin  (Muslim)
Beauty of the Faith
Jamar  (African)
Combination of Jamal and Lamar (Jamarr, Jemar, Jimar)
Jemal  (Arabic)
Handsome. Variant of Jamal
Kamaal  (Muslim)
Variant of Kamal: Perfection. Completeness
Kamal  (Hindu)
The Perfect One
Kamal  (Hindu)
Kamal  (Arabic)
Kamal  (Islamic)
Kamal  (Muslim)
Perfection. Completeness
Kamal  (Indian)
lotus flower
Kamala  (Indian)
Kamala  (Hindu)
Kamala  (Hindu)
Kamala  (Indian)
Kamali  (Zimbabwe)
Spirit Guide
Kamali  (Arabic)
Spirit Guide, Protector
Kamalika  (Hindu)
Kamalika  (Indian)
Lia  (Italian)
An Abbreviation of Names Like Amalia: (Hard Working;Industrious) and Rosalia: (Rose)
Lia  (Spanish)
Is an Abbreviation of Names Like Amalia: (Hard Working;Industrious) and Rosalia: (Rose)
Lia  (Spanish)
Is an Abbreviation of Names Like Amalia: (Hard Working;Industrious) and Rosalia: (Rose)
Maya  (Spanish)
Abbreviation of Amalia; Variant of Maia
Millie  (German)
Strength, Determination. Diminutive of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour, and the Latin Aemilia. Famous Bearers: Th Century British King George Iii's Daughter Princess Amelia' Henr
Samala  (Hebrew)
Asked of God, Heard from God
Shaka  (African)
The Name of the Zulu Tribal Leader Sometimes Compared to Attila the Hun. Shaka Shaped an Amalgamation of Tribes into the Great Zulu Nation in the Early Th Century. (Zulu)
Shyamal  (Indian)
black, dark blue
Tamal  (Hindu)
Dark Tree
Vanamali  (Hindu)
Sri Krishna
Yamal  (Hindu)
One of a Twin
96 names found for "Amal"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Benito | Carroll | Bhavya | Hartwood | Bealohydig | Payton | Toki | Demogorgon | Kareem | Engl | Xanthia | Ern | Nastunye | Attis | Paphos |