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Names That Mean Aman

107 names found for "Aman"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Aman? We couldn't find the exact name Aman, but listed below are some first names meaning Aman or names similar to the word Aman.

Similar Names

Aamin | Aanan | Ahane | Ahanu | Ahian | Ahiman | Aimon | Ain | Am | Amaan |

Related Names

Eraman  (German)
Eramana  (German)
Haman  (Biblical)
Noise, Tumult
Kamana  (Hindu)
Manda  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandalyn  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandi  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandie  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandy  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amanda: Lovable, Worthy of Love. Some Scholars Believe Amanda Was Invented by Th Century British Dramatist Colley Cibber
Mandy  (English)
Worthy of Love; Familiar Form of Amanda (Manda, Melinda)
Moriarty  (Irish)
Expert Seaman
Muircheartaigh  (Irish)
Expert Seaman
Muireadhach  (Gaelic)
Marier, Seaman; a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Elements Muir (Sea) and Adhach (Happy, Fortunate, Lucky). (Myoor-dahk)
Murdoc  (Celtic)
Murdoch  (Celtic)
Murdock  (Celtic)
Naaman  (Hebrew)
Pleasant Servant of the Lord It's a Biblical Name! Pronounced Like 'Common', Naaman
Naaman  (Hebrew)
Naaman  (Biblical)
Beautiful; Agreeable
Nahamani  (Biblical)
Comforter; Leader
Pravardhaman  (Hindu)
Radharaman  (Hindu)
Raman  (Indian)
beloved, pleasing
Ramani  (Indian)
beautiful girl
Ramani  (Hindu)
Beautiful Girl
Ramanuja  (Indian)
born after Rama i.e. Lakshman
Redamann  (English)
Red Haired Counselor
Rhadamanthus  (Greek)
A Judge in the Underworld
Rhadamanthus  (Latin)
Underworld Judge
Ripudaman  (Hindu)
Who Kills Enemies
Saeger  (English)
Sam  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Samantha: Listen; Name of God
Saman  (Persian)
Shelter and Security
Samanjas  (Hindu)
Befitting, Proper
Samantaka  (Indian)
Destroys Peace
Samantha  (Hebrew)
Listen; Name of God
Samantha  (Hebrew)
Listener (Sami, Sammie, Sammy)
Samantha  (Hebrew)
Listener of God
Samantha  (Aramaic)
Sammy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Samantha: Listen; Name of God
Sammy  (Hebrew)
Short for Samuel or Samantha
Sarvadaman  (Hindu)
Who Can Conquer Everything
Satamanyu  (Hindu)
Indra Who Has Performed One Hundred Yagas
Seager  (English)
Segar  (English)
Seger  (English)
Shaman  (Native American)
Holy Man
Tamanna  (Hindu)
Taramandal  (Hindu)
Milky Way
107 names found for "Aman"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Crogher | Yogish | Vatsala | Argyle | Aravali | Fridleif | Fridwolf | Maximilian | Hayden | Daylin | Valentia | Hedley | Hilliard | Jon | Daney |