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Meaning of the Name Amet

The first name Amet is of German origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Power of an Eagle

Similar Names

Ahmed | Amad | Amd | Amdt | Amett | Amid | Amit | Amita | Amiti | Amot |

Related Names

Amethyst  (Greek)
A Precious Stone. Origin: Middle English
Amethyst  (Greek)
Jewel. Also 'Against Intoxication.' a Purple or Violet Gemstone. According to Ancient Greek Superstition an Amethyst Protected Its Owner Against the Effects of Strong Drink
Amett  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Ametta  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Amette  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Iona  (Greek)
Violet, from the Greek Word 'Ion'. Amethyst
Ione  (Greek)
Amethyst. Violet
Ionessa  (Greek)
Ionia  (Greek)
Mohamet  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified

Additional Names

Siawn | Kiana | Lacina | Lotta | Henny | Celestine | Vallois | Jucika | Eppie | Sadira | Berta | Ganesh | Evers | Lucan | Hafsa |