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Meaning of the Name Amey

The first name Amey is of German origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Eagle

Similar Names

Aimee | Am | Aman | Ame | Ameen | Amen | Ami | Amin | Amma | Ammi |

Related Names

Ameya  (Hindu)
Ameya  (Indian)
boundless, magnanimous
Ameya  (Indian)
boundless, magnanimous
Aprameya  (Hindu)
Bamey  (German)
Brave As a Bear
Bellamey  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Cameron  (Scottish)
Used As a Surname Originated from the Gaelic Nickname Cam Sron (Crooked Nose). Variations: Cam, Camey
Camey  (Irish)
Camey  (Celtic)
Crooked Nose
Campbell  (Scottish)
Used As a Surname Originated from the Gaelic Nickname Cam Beul (Crooked Mouth). Variations: Cam,Camey
Camy  (Irish)
Variant of Camey: Champion
Jamey  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Kameyo  (Japanese)
Generations of the Tortoise
Ramey  (Arabic)

Additional Names

Lacey | Vinaya | Juanita | Cepheus | Northrop | Humility | Tobin | Soyala | Nirupama | Demason | Chaman | Laila | Zephyrus | Elly | Garry |