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Names That Mean Amia

64 names found for "Amia"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Amia? We couldn't find the exact name Amia, but listed below are some first names meaning Amia or names similar to the word Amia.

Similar Names

Aamin | Ahiam | Ahian | Ain | Am | Amaan | Aman | Amana | Ame | Amen |

Related Names

Millicent  (Teutonic)
Work Strength, Wise, Calm, Amiable, Affectionate Nature, Seldom Passionate
Mungo  (Gaelic)
Amiable; Beloved
Philetus  (Biblical)
Amiable, Beloved
Philetus  (Biblical)
Amiable, Beloved
Raamiah  (Biblical)
Thunder, or Evil, from the Lord
Raamiah  (Biblical)
Thunder, or Evil, from the Lord
Ramiah  (Biblical)
Exaltation of the Lord
Rasmus  (Greek)
Samia  (Islamic)
Samia  (Latin)
Wife of Ancaeus
Samina  (Islamic)
Much Praised (Samia, Sami, Sammar, Sammir, Sammie)
Samothracia  (Biblical)
An Island Possessed by the Samians and Thracians
Samothracia  (Biblical)
An Island Possessed by the Samians and Thracians
Stephen  (Greek)
Crown, Refined, Amiable, Fearless, Lacks in Physical Strength

Additional Names

Miranda | Downeti | Lucina | Barris | Barbara | Strato | Talya | Izzudin | Marlinda | Beno | Prior | Alexa | Poonam | Pochereth | Chaucer |