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Names That Mean Andre

175 names found for "Andre"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Andre? We couldn't find the exact name Andre, but listed below are some first names meaning Andre or names similar to the word Andre.

Similar Names

Aindrea | Ander | Andor | Andra | Andray | Andre' | Andrea | Andrei | Andreo | Andrew |

Related Names

Diandre  (French)
Blend of Dion and Andre
Diandre  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Diondre  (English)
Blend of Dion and Andre
Diondre  (French)
Blend of Dion and Andre
Drew  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Andrew: Manly. from the Greek Andrew. Has Long Been a Popular Scottish Name, Because St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland After Whom the Town of St Andrews Was Named
Drew  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Andrew. Modern Actress Drew Barrymore
Drew  (English)
Originally Used As Short Form of Andrew (Manly).Now Commonly Being Used As an Independent Given Name
Dru  (French)
Variant of Andrew 'Manly.'
Drue  (English)
Abbreviation of Andrew 'Manly.'
Eamon  (Irish)
Guardian. The Irish Form of Edmund. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Eamon Dc Valera; Eamonn Andrews, Presenter of the Television Programme 'This is Your Life'
Gillanders  (Scottish)
Servant of St. Andrew; Derived from the Gaelic Gille Ainndreis and Gille Anndrais (Servant of St. Andrew). (Gil-an- Derz)
Jedrek  (Polish)
A Strong Man. Variant of Andrew
Jedrick  (Polish)
A Strong Man. Variant of Andrew
Julie  (French)
Downy. French Form of Julia. Also Can Be a Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Famous Bearer: Actress Julie Andrews
Keandre  (English)
Keandre  (Irish)
Kendra  (English)
Knowledge. Can Also Be a Blend of Ken, Meaning Royal Obligation;Clear Water, and Sandra, Meaning: Protector of Man, or Andrea, Meaning Manly or Masculine
Kendrew  (Scottish)
Manly; Brave. Form of Andrew
Kendria  (English)
Blend of Ken, Meaning Royal Obligation;Clear Water, and Sandra, Meaning: Protector of Man, or Andrea, Meaning Manly or Masculine
Kindra  (English)
Blend of Ken: (Royal Obligation;Clear Water) and Sandra: (Protector of Man) or Andrea: (Manly or Masculine)
Leandre  (French)
Form of Leander. 'Lionlike Man.'
Leandrew  (English)
Form of Leander. Lionlike Man
MacAndrew  (Scottish)
Son of Andrew
Ursula  (Latin)
Bear. Famous Bearer: Swiss-born Actress Ursula Andress
Vondra  (Czechoslovakian)
Womanly; Brave. Variant of Andrea

Additional Names

Launfal | Sur | Girgashite | Atticus | Sarkis | Urvi | Demothi | Shatanik | Krystupasr | Hachmoni | Venedict | Yaaqoo' | Fath | Derrie | Nola |