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Meaning of the Name Anil

The first name Anil is of Hindu, Indian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Air
Hindu: Child of Wind or Air
Indian: god of wind
Indian: god of wind

Similar Names

Aamil | Amal | Amiel | Amil | Amol | Amul | Anael | Analu | Anila | Aniol |

Related Names

Anila  (Hindu)
Wind or Air; Popular Name of Win-god Vayu. Origin: Sanskrit
Anila  (Hindu)
Children of the Wind
Danil  (Persian)
Form of Daniel
Danil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danila  (Hebrew)
God Will Judge
Danila  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danilkar  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danilo  (Spanish)
Variant of Daniel 'God is My Judge.'
Danilo  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Fuanilevu  (Polynesian)

Additional Names

Zory | Roger | Antioch | Amata | Frederika | Bardo | Kinu | Benet | Tadita | Sneferu | Tevis | Marleena | Alitz | Pippo | Carnig |