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Names That Mean Anna

467 names found for "Anna"   (page 6 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Anna? We couldn't find the exact name Anna, but listed below are some first names meaning Anna or names similar to the word Anna.

Similar Names

Aanan | Ain | Amana | Amma | An | Anah | Anaia | Anan | Anane | Anani |

Related Names

Hosanna  (Greek)
Hosanna  (Biblical)
Save I Pray Thee, Keep, Preserve
Ianna  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Femenine Form of Ian
Idana  (American)
From Ida and Anna
Ileanna  (Spanish)
Variant of Elena
Ioanna  (Greek)
Ionanna  (Hebrew)
Ivanna  (Czechoslovakian)
Feminine of Ivan
Ivanna  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Ivanna  (Greek)
Gift of the Gods
Jagannath  (Indian)
lord of the world
Jana  (Polish)
Polish Form of Joanna: God is Gracious. Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Jane  (Hebrew)
God is Gracious (Jan, J'Ane, Jana, Janeen, Jayne, Janie, Jean, Jeanie, Jeanne, Joann, Johanna, Joan, Joanna, Joanne, Joni, Jonie, Juanita, Vanya)
Janecska  (Polish)
Polish Form of Joanna 'God is Gracious'
Janka  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joanna, Meaning God is Gracious
Janna  (Biblical)
Who Speaks or Answers, Afflicted, Poor
Janna  (Slavic)
God is Gracious
Janna  (Indian)
Janna  (Czechoslovakian)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Janna  (Polish)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Janna  (Biblical)
Who Speaks or Answers, Afflicted, Poor
Jannae  (English)
Modern Name Based on Jane or Jean; Based on Janai Meaning 'God Has Answered. '
Jannah  (Czechoslovakian)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Jannah  (Polish)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Jannalee  (Czechoslovakian)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Jannalee  (Polish)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Jannat  (Muslim)
Heaven. Garden
Jasia  (Polish)
Polish Form of Joanna: God is Gracious
Jeanna  (English)
God Has Been Gracious
Jeanna  (French)
Variant of John. God is Gracious
Jennet  (Muslim)
Variant of Jannat: Heaven. Garden
Jeovanna  (English)
Feminine of Giovanni; Variant of Jovana
Jillianna  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jo  (French)
Diminutive of Josephine: May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). Also Can Be a Diminutive of Joanne: God is Gracious. French Form of Joanna (From the Latin, Johanna) and the Feminine Form of John
Jo  (Latin)
Diminutive of Joanna: God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John (From the Latin, Johanna)
Jo  (English)
Abbreviation of Names Like Joanna and Josephine. Also Used As a Prefix in Compound Names Like Jobeth and Jolisa
Joanka  (Polish)
Polish Form of Joanna: God is Gracious
Joanna  (English)
Variant of Joan. Feminine of John
Joanna  (Biblical)
Grace or Gift of the Lord
Joanna  (French)
God's Gift
Joanna  (Latin)
God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John (From the Latin Johanna)
Joanna  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Joanna  (English)
From the Name Joanne
Joanne  (Latin)
Variant of Joanna: God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John (From the Latin Johanna)
Joanne  (French)
God is Gracious. French Form of Joanna (From the Latin, Johanna) and the Feminine Form of John
Jodi  (American)
From Johanna
Joeanna  (Latin)
Variant of Joan
Joeanna  (English)
Variant of Joan
Johanna  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Johanna  (German)
German Form of Joanna
467 names found for "Anna"   (page 6 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Cadwy | Kimball | Sally | Makana | Fell | Arline | Alhhard | Unwin | Nicson | Cairoshell | Narendra | Cheryl | Emeline | Vukan | Abraham |