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Names That Mean Anne

368 names found for "Anne"   (page 6 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Anne? We couldn't find the exact name Anne, but listed below are some first names meaning Anne or names similar to the word Anne.

Similar Names

Ahane | Ain | Ame | An | Anah | Anan | Anane | Anani | Ane | Anem |

Related Names

Karianne  (Scandinavian)
Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure
Keannen  (English)
Keannen  (Irish)
Kellyanne  (Gaelic)
Lively; Aggressive
Kellyanne  (Irish)
Lively; Aggressive
Kerianne  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kerrianne  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Khaleeqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Khaliqa: Well Mannered
Khaliqa  (Muslim)
Well Mannered
Kristianne  (English)
Variant of Christine. Christian
Kyanne  ()
The Contributor of This Name Says: Doesn't Matter What Religion (This Name Belongs). This Name is Sounded Out As Ki-anne
Kyle  (Scottish)
Strait. Channel. Narrow. Used As Both a Surname and First Name
Kylianne  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Kyle
Lausanne  (Arthurian Legend)
Lake Geneva
Leanna  (Gaelic)
With Great Affection (Leann, Leanne, Leianna)
Leanne  (English)
A Compound of Lee: Wood, and Anne: Grace, Favour. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Julianne: Downy, Hairy. Can Also Be Derived from Helen: Liight; Beautiful Woman, and a Variant of Liana: Youthful; Bond
Leanne  (English)
Gracious Plum
Leeanne  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Liana  (French)
Short for Juliana (Lia, Lianne, Liane, Liann, Lian,
Lianne  (Latin)
Diminutive of Julianne: Downy Grace. A Compound of the Names Julie and Anne. Also Can Be Interpreted As the Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child
Lianne  (English)
Variant of Leanne: a Compound of Lee: Wood, and Anne: Grace, Favour. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Julianne: Downy, Hairy. Can Also Be Derived from Helen: Liight; Beautiful Woman, and a Variant of Liana
Lilianne  (Latin)
Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily. Symbol of Innocence; Purity; Beauty
Lorianne  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Manneville  (French)
From the Great Estate
Marcianne  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marianne  (Norse)
Bitter Grace
Marianne  (Hebrew)
Bitter Grace, Unsociable, Intellectual, Determined
Marianne  (Greek)
Combination of Mary and Anne
Marianne  (French)
Compound of Marie (Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter) and Anne (Favor or Grace). Also a Variant of Marian
Marianne  (French)
From the Name Mary and Anna
Marianne  (Danish)
Marianne  (Russian)
Marianne  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marjan  (Polish)
Variation of Mary (Marjanne, Marjon, Mariiane)
Maurianne  (Latin)
Feminine of Maurice, Meaning Dark, or Dark-skinned
Mercy  (English)
From the Virtue, Sweet-tempered, Sympathetic, Simple-mannered
Meroz  (Biblical)
Secret, Leanness
Meroz  (Biblical)
Secret, Leanness
Morgana  (Welsh)
Sea's Edge (Morgan, Morganne)
Nan  (English)
Diminutive of Anne: Favour; Grace
Nan  (French)
Variant of Anne: Favor; Grace
Nancey  (French)
Variant of Anne: Favor; Grace
Nancey  (English)
Variant of Anne, Meaning Favor; Grace
Nanci  (French)
Variant of Anne: Favor; Grace
Nanci  (English)
Variant of Anne, Meaning Favor; Grace
Nancie  (English)
Variant of Anne 'Favor; Grace.'
Nancie  (French)
Variant of Anne: Favor; Grace
Nancie  (English)
Variant of Anne, Meaning Favor; Grace
Nancy  (French)
Variant of Anne: Favor; Grace
Nancy  (English)
Favor; Grace. Variant of Ann or Anne: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain in the Th Century
368 names found for "Anne"   (page 6 of 8) 

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Additional Names

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