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Meaning of the Name Antonia

The first name Antonia is of Western, English, Spanish, Greek, Latin, Italian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Western: Beyond Value
English: Feminine Form of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Spanish: Feminine Form of Antonio: Beyond Praise
Greek: Inestimable
Greek: Praiseworthy
Latin: Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Italian: Priceless

Similar Names

Andoni | Anntoin | Anthony | Antin | Antoin | Antoine | Anton | Antone | Antoney | Antonin |

Related Names

Antonina  (Polish)
Polish Form of Antonia: Priceless
Bassanio  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonia, Who Borrows from Antonio to Pursue His Successful Suit for Portia
Toni  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Toni  (Latin)
Short for Antonia (Tonette, Tonia, Tonelle, Tonisha)
Tonia  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Tonisha  (English)
Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Tonya  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette

Additional Names

Mehjabeen | Chintamani | Idla | Akrabbim | Priya | Stella | Lehana | Offa | Opaline | Caitir | Terrel | Chuza | Fuyu | Bertram | Manikyam |