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Meaning of the Name Aodha

The first name Aodha is of Irish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery

Similar Names

Adda | Aod | Aodh | Aoidh | Ayodhya | Ada | Adia | Adya | Aida | Aidia |

Related Names

Aodan  (Scottish)
Fire; Diminutive Form of Aodh. Variations: Aidan, Ean, Aodhagan
Aodhagan  (Gaelic)
Aodhaigh  (Irish)
Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery
Aodhan  (Celtic)
Aodhan  (Irish)
Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery
Faodhagan  (Gaelic)
Iagan  (Scottish)
Variant Spelling of Aodhagan (Little Fire), a Diminutive Form of Aodh (Fire). Var: Egan. (Ee-gan)

Additional Names

Galvarium | RosIyn | Faaghira | Sihu | Alcippe | Demetra | Kam | Janaye | Skip | Maryssa | Kame | Dichali | Niamh | Neotolemus | Querida |