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Meaning of the Name Arama

The first name Arama is of Maori, Basque, Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Maori: Spring
Basque: Refers to the Virgin Mary
Spanish: Reference to the Virgin Mary
Spanish: Of the Virgin Mary

Similar Names

Aram | Aran | Arana | Arawn | Arman | Arumah | Aruna | Arena | Ariana | Arona |

Related Names

Balarama  (Indian)
Brother of Krishna
Karaamat  (Muslim)
Variant of Karamat: Miracle. Nobility
Karamat  (Muslim)
Miracle. Nobility
Laramae  (Latin)
Protection. Derived from 'Lares' - Individual Roman Household Gods Who Were Protectors of Home and Fields
Laramae  (Latin)
Protection. Derived from 'Lares' - Individual Roman Household Gods Who Were Protectors of Home and Fields
Marama  (Maori)
Light of the World
Martha  (Scottish)
Lady, Noblewoman; Derived from the Aramaic Martha (Lady, Mistress)
Paramartha  (Indian)
highest truth
Radharaman  (Hindu)
Revati  (Hindu)
Wife of Balarama, a Star
Revati  (Indian)
wife of Balarama, a star
Sarama  (African)
Sarama  (Indian)
Sarama  (African)
Sharama  (Indian)
Dog of Dawn
Tabitha  (Hebrew)
Beauty, Grace. from the Aramaic Word for Gazelle. Biblical - Tabitha of the New Testament (Acts :) Was Noted for Good Works
Tabitha  (Greek)
Gazeile. Beauty, Grace. from the Aramaic Word for Gazelle
Tammy  (English)
Twin; Biblical: One of the Twelve Apostles. Short Form of Thomas. Origin: Aramaic-hebrew
Taramandal  (Hindu)
Milky Way

Additional Names

Marco | Nita | Alekandero | Kletos | Oded | Orla | Gilal | Shamgar | Paolo | Rsmses | Shith | Adalyn | Betserai | Parihan | Marilu |