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Names That Mean Aran

121 names found for "Aran"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Aran? We couldn't find the exact name Aran, but listed below are some first names meaning Aran or names similar to the word Aran.

Similar Names

Aaren | Aaron | Ahren | Aram | Arana | Arawn | Aren | Arian | Arien | Arion |

Related Names

Faran  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farand  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Garan  (French)
Guards; Guardian
Garan  (German)
Guards; Guardian
Garan  (Welsh)
Garan  (Welsh)
Garanhon  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Giythvyr
Garanwyn  (Welsh)
White Shank
Glifieu  (Celtic)
Mythical Son of Taran
Glinyeu  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Taran
Gurcharan  (Indian)
feet of the guru
Gursharan  (Indian)
refuge at the guru
Haran  (Biblical)
Mountainous Country
Imaran  (Hindu)
Jaran  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Kalicharan  (Hindu)
Feet of Durga
Karan  (Greek)
Karan  (English)
Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure
Karan  (Danish)
Abbreviation of Katherine: Pure
Karan  (Danish)
Pure (Kasen,Katherine)
Kiara  (Irish)
Dark. Feminine of Ciaran. Name of a Saint
Kieran  (Scottish)
Balck-haired; a Borrowing from the Irish, Kieran is the Irish Form of the Gaelic Ciaran (Little Dark One), Which is from Ciar (Black, Dark), a Word Meaning 'Dark-haired' or 'Black-haired' When Applied
Kiri  (Hindu)
For the Amaranth Plant (Kirsi)
Kirsi  (Hindu)
Amaranth Blossoms
Makarand  (Indian)
Maranatha  (Aramaic)
Come Quickly O Lord; Found in 1st Corinthians in the Bible
Maranatha  (Biblical)
The Lord is Coming
Mazaahir  (Muslim)
Variant of Mazahir: Exteriors. Appearances
Mazahir  (Muslim)
Exteriors. Appearances
Mephaath  (Biblical)
Appearance, or Force, of Waters
Mephaath  (Biblical)
Appearance, or Force, of Waters
Mercia  (Latin)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercia  (English)
People of the Borderland. from Mercia. Compassion; Forbearance
Mercie  (English)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercie  (Latin)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercilla  (English)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercilla  (Latin)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercina  (Latin)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercina  (English)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercina  (Latin)
Compassion; Forbearance
Mercy  (Latin)
Compassion; Forbearance
Minnie  (Teutonic)
Love, Nonchalant, Amusing, Versatile, Pays Great Attention to Her Appearance
Navarang  (Hindu)
Handsome As the Cupid
Padmacharan  (Hindu)
Lakshmi's Feet
Paran  (Biblical)
Beauty, Glory, Ornament
Paran  (Biblical)
Beauty, Glory, Ornament
Peader  (Gaelic)
A Rock, Stone; Popular Gaelic Form of Peter (A Rock, a Stone). Pet Name: Peidearan. (Pee-der)
Priyaranjan  (Indian)
Saran  (African)
Sarang  (Indian)
spotted deer
121 names found for "Aran"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Aubrie | Mercy | Faheem | Ida | Bruce | Cornelia | Riona | Nascha | Channing | Alana | Priyamkara | Lela | Bahaar | Are | Farihah |