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Meaning of the Name Archan

The first name Archan is of Hindu origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Homage

Similar Names

Archana | Arjean |

Related Names

Archana  (Hindu)
Worshiping One
Archana  (Hindu)
Archana  (Indian)
Bearchan  (Irish)
Variant of Bearach: Spearlike
Gabriel  (Hebrew)
Man of God. God's Able-bodied One. Famous Bearer: the Archangel Gabriel, Who Appears Several Times in the Bible
Jibril  (Arabic)
Raphael  (Hebrew)
God Heals; God's Healer. Raphael Was Also the Name of One of the Archangels, As Mentioned in the Apocrypha. Famous Bearer: Renaissance Painter Raphael (Raffaelo Santi)
Taxiarchai  (Greek)

Additional Names

Bertin | Kecia | Viviane | Imogen | Christianos | Galvin | Valmiki | Lucila | Angelina | Denisa | Walker | Derrall | Helmar | Driscoll | Shatrunat |