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Meaning of the Name Archy

The first name Archy is of English, Scottish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive of Archer: Good With Bow and Arrow. Also a Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold, Valuable
Scottish: Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk

Similar Names

Arach | Arcas | Arch | Archie | Arsh | Arich |

Additional Names

Kaori | Guglilmo | Ginger | Lorence | Faoiltiama | Jacques | Julius | Linnet | Ginger | Thorkel | Amal | Basilia | Barbara | Camdene | Jazer |