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Names That Mean Aren

106 names found for "Aren"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Aren? We couldn't find the exact name Aren, but listed below are some first names meaning Aren or names similar to the word Aren.

Similar Names

Aaren | Aaron | Ahern | Ahren | Aram | Aran | Arana | Arawn | Arian | Arien |

Related Names

Horner  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Duke of Clarence, Son to Henry Iv. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Thomas Wart, a Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Thomas Horner, an Armourer
Jaren  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Kalena  (Hawaiian)
The Hawaiian Equivalent of Karen
Karen  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Karen  (English)
Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure
Karen  (Scandinavian)
Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure
Karen  (Danish)
Diminutive of Katherine: Pure
Karen  (Greek)
Pure or Purity; See Catherine (Carin, Caren, Caryn, Karin, Kari, Karyn, Kary, Catherine)
Karen  (Greek)
Karen  (Russian)
Karen  (Swedish)
Karen  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Karen  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Karena  (Scandinavian)
Modern Variant of Katherine. Pure
Karena  (Scandinavian)
Pure One
Karena  (Greek)
Karin  (Danish)
Variant of Karen: Diminutive of Katherine: Pure
Kasha  (Polish)
Short Form of Katarzyna and a Variation of Kathleen,Katherine, Karen, Katie, Karrie Meaning Pure, Beloved of God
Katarzyna  (Polish)
A Variation of Kathleen, Katherine, Karen, Katie, Karrie Meaning Pure, Beloved of God. Pronounced, Kah-tah-zhyn-ah
Laren  (Scottish)
Serves Lawrence
Laren  (Latin)
Variant of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. Can Also Be Interpreted As the English Version of the Irish Name Lorcan: Fierce
Laren  (Scottish)
Serves Lawrence
Laren  (Latin)
Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)
Larena  (Scottish)
Serves Lawrence
Larena  (English)
Variant of Loraine, Meaning from Lorraine
Larentia  (Latin)
The Shewolf Who Nursed Remus and Romulus
Larenzo  (German)
Form of Lawrence
Larenzo  (Latin)
Variant of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. Can Also Be Interpreted As the English Version of the Irish Name Lorcan: Fierce
Lovell  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Duke of Clarence, Son to Henry Iv. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Thomas Wart, a Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Thomas Horner, an Armourer. 'King Henry the Eighth' Sir Thomas Lovell
MacLaren  (Scottish)
Son of Laren
Maren  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Maren  (Hebrew)
Maren  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Maren  (French)
Marena  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marenda  (Latin)
Marenka  (Czechoslovakian)
Narendra  (Indian)
king of men
Nedra  (Latin)
Neema  (Egyptian)
Born to Wealthy Parents
Nickan  (Persian)
Goodness of Grandparents
Nygaire  (English)
Apparently Little Flower of the Swamp. Maori Origins Should Be Spelt Ngaire Pronounced Nyree
Ranjan  (Indian)
Delights His Parents
Sarah  (Hebrew)
A Princess (Sara, Sari, Sally, Sarena, Sarita, Zara, Zarah)
Taren  (Welsh)
Taren  (Greek)
Thao  (Vietnamese)
Respectful of Parents
Thomas  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Duke of Clarence. Thomas Wart, Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi' Thomas Horner, Armourer. 'Henry Viii' Sir Thomas Lovell. 'Measure for Measure' a Friar. 'King Henry Vi, Iii', 'Henry Viii' Duke of
Varen  (Hindu)
Varvara  (Russian)
The Stranger (Varya,Varenka)
106 names found for "Aren"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Valeria | Grant | Shitala | Alisha | Nusi | Zhen | Eldoris | Akshobhya | Kathleen | Fergusson | Damen | Montes | Nudd | Juanisha | Akiva |