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Names That Mean Arian

6138 names found for "Arian"   (page 100 of 123) 

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Looking for names that mean Arian? We couldn't find the exact name Arian, but listed below are some first names meaning Arian or names similar to the word Arian.

Similar Names

Ahriman | Aram | Aran | Arana | Arawn | Aren | Arien | Arion | ArIyn | Arman |

Related Names

Maygan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Mayra  (Irish)
Variant of Maire, a Gaelic Form of Mary: Bitter
Mayyadah  (Muslim)
Variant of Maysa': to Walk With a Proud Swinging Gait
Mazaahir  (Muslim)
Variant of Mazahir: Exteriors. Appearances
Meagan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meaghan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meantoona  (Muslim)
Variant of Meantuna: Trustworthy. Safe
Meeghan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meekaa'eel  (Muslim)
Variant of Mikael: the Biblical Michael is the English Language Equivalent
Megan  (Persian)
Variant of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Megan  (Greek)
Variant of Margaret: Pearl
Meggan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Mehala  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mahala: Tenderness; Barren
Mehalah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mahala: Tenderness; Barren
Mehalia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mahala: Tenderness; Barren
Mehitabel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mehetabel: God Benefits. God's Favor
Melicent  (German)
Variant of Millicent: Strong Work. Industrious
Melisande  (French)
Honey Bee; Strength; Determination. Variant of Millicent
Melisande  (German)
'strength; Determination.' Variant of Millicent. Melisandra: (Spanish) 'strength; Determination
Melloney  (Latin)
Variant of Melanie: the Black One. Dark. Famous Bearer: a Character in Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind'
Melodie  (English)
Variant of Melody: Melody (Song)
Melvina  (Gaelic)
Variant of Malvina: Smooth Brow
Meriel  (English)
Variant of Muriel, Meaning Shining Sea
Meriel  (Celtic)
Variant of Muriel: Bright Sea
Merrion  (Welsh)
Variant of Meirion: Name Derived from the Old County of Merionethshire
Merrion  (Welsh)
Variant of Meirion: Name Derived from the Old County of Merionethshire
Mervin  (English)
Variant of Marvin: Famous Friend
Mervin  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Mervyn  (English)
Variant of Marvin: Famous Friend
Meryl  (Celtic)
Variant of Muriel: Bright Sea
Meta  (Persian)
Variant of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Meta  (Greek)
Variant of Margaret: Pearl
Mi'raaj  (Muslim)
Variant of Mi'Raj: Ladder. Ascent
Mia  (Italian)
My. Also a Variant of Maria: Wished for Child; Rebellion
Mia  (Latin)
Variant of Maria: Commonly-used Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Popular With Both Spanish and Non-spanish Cultures
Micah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michael: Who is Like God? Gift from God
Mical  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Michaeline  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Michaelyn  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Micole  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Miftaah  (Muslim)
Variant of Miftah: Key. Opener
Mikaa'il  (Muslim)
Variant of Mikael: the Biblical Michael is the English Language Equivalent
Mikel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michael
Miles  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michael: Who is Like God? Gift from God
Mina  (Muslim)
Variant of Meena: Starling. Heaven. Glass
Minhaaj  (Muslim)
Variant of Minhaj: Way. Program
Minyamin  (English)
Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Minyomei  (English)
Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Minyomi  (English)
Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Mir  (Muslim)
Variant of Meer: Mayor. Leader
6138 names found for "Arian"   (page 100 of 123) 

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Additional Names

Lerato | Aja | Oenone | Speranza | Jambres | Sheedy | Palmira | Zarek | Harland | Ellar | Ceredig | Galeno | Maat | Mabel | Moonshine |