Looking for names that mean Arian? We couldn't find the exact name Arian, but listed below are some first names meaning Arian or names similar to the word Arian.
Bancrofft(English) Variant of Bancroft: Pasture; Field
Banjamen(English) Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Banjamino(English) Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Banjamon(English) Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Banjiman(English) Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Bankroft(English) Variant of Bancroft: Pasture; Field
Barakaat(Muslim) Variant of Barakat: Blessings. Abundance. Prosperity
Barbra(English) A Variant of Barbara, Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning. Famous Bearer: , American Singer Barbra Stre
Barcley(English) Variant of Barclay: Birch Valley; Birch Tree Meadow
Bard(Irish) Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Barde(Irish) Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Bardo(English) Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname
Bardric(German) Variant of Bardrick: Soldier Who Wields an Axe
Barklay(English) Variant of Barclay: Birch Valley; Birch Tree Meadow
Barkley(English) Variant of Barclay: Birch Valley; Birch Tree Meadow
Barklie(English) Variant of Barclay: Birch Valley; Birch Tree Meadow
Barnaby(English) A Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: Barnaby Rudge, a Character in Th Century Charles Dickens' Novel Barnaby Rudge
Barnaby(Hebrew) Son of Prophecy. Also a Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnard(English) Strong As a Bear. A Variant of Bernard Which Was in Common Usage in Medieval Britain.Variant of Bernard
Barnard(German) Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Barnebas(Hebrew) Son of Prophecy. Also a Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnet(English) Of Honorable Birth. Also Derives from the Old English Word for Burning. Also in Use As a Variant of Bernard
Barney(English) Used As a Diminutive of Barnard, Meaning Strong As a Bear. Also a Diminutive of Barnaby, Which is a Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort
Barnham(English) Variant of Barnum: from the Baron's Home