Looking for names that mean Arian? We couldn't find the exact name Arian, but listed below are some first names meaning Arian or names similar to the word Arian.
Cai(English) Diminutive of Caius: a Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Caila(Gaelic) Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Cailean(Scottish) Triumphant in Battle; Triumphant in War; Virile. Contemporary Variant of Cailean 'Child.'
Caileigh(Gaelic) Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Cailin(Scottish) Contemporary Variant of Cailean 'Child.'
Cailley(Gaelic) Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Caitlin(French) Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered To
Caitlin(Latin) Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. Famous Bearers: a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered To
Caitlin(Gaelic) Pure. an Irish Gaelic Variant of Catherine from the Old French Form of the Name
Caits(Latin) Variant of Gaius: to Rejoice. Famous Bearer: Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Caius(English) A Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Callee(Irish) Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Callee(Gaelic) Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Calli(Irish) Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Calli(Gaelic) Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Callie(Irish) Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest. Note: This Database is Copyright , Muse Creations Inc
Callie(Gaelic) Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Callum(Gaelic) Dove. Can Also Be a Variant of Malcolm: 'servant/Disciple of Columba'
Callum(Irish) Variant of Columba, a Latin Name Meaning Dove
Calum(Gaelic) Dove. Can Also Be a Variant of Malcolm: 'servant/Disciple of Saint Columba'
Calum(Irish) Variant of Columba, a Latin Name Meaning Dove
Calvino(English) Variant of Calvin: Bald. Famous Bearers: Early Th Century American President Coolidge; Fashion Designer Calvin Klein
Camella(English) Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Camellia(English) Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Camila(Latin) Free-born; Noble. Variant of Camilla
Camila(French) Free-born; Noble. Variant of Camilla
Camile(Latin) Free-born; Noble. Variant of Camilla
Camile(French) Free-born; Noble. Variant of Camilla
Camilla(French) Free-born; Noble. Variant of Camilla
Camille(Latin) Variant of Camillus: Temple Servant. This Name of Unknown Origin Was Used by Many Young Attendants of Priests and Priestesses in Ancient Rome