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Names That Mean Arian

6138 names found for "Arian"   (page 32 of 123) 

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Looking for names that mean Arian? We couldn't find the exact name Arian, but listed below are some first names meaning Arian or names similar to the word Arian.

Similar Names

Ahriman | Aram | Aran | Arana | Arawn | Aren | Arien | Arion | ArIyn | Arman |

Related Names

Catlin  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Catline  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Catlyn  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caton  (Latin)
Variant of Cato: Intelligent; Shrewd
Catrin  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Catrin  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Catrin  (Welsh)
Pure, Clear. A Welsh Variant of 'Catherine', Which is a French Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'
Catriona  (Greek)
Variant of Katrina: Pure. Clear
Catriona  (Scottish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Catriona  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Catriona  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Catriona  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Catriona  (Gaelic)
Pure, Clear. A Scottish Gaelic Variant of 'Catherine', Which is the French Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. Famous Bearer: the Heroine of Th Century Author Robert Louis Stev
Cattee  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caulan  (Irish)
Variant of Caelan: Powerful Warrior
Cayce  (Irish)
Variant of Casey: Observant; Alert; Vigorous
Caycey  (Irish)
Variant of Casey: Observant; Alert; Vigorous
Cayla  (Gaelic)
Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Caylee  (Gaelic)
Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Cayley  (Gaelic)
Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Caylie  (Gaelic)
Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Ceallachan  (Irish)
Variant of Ceallach: War; Strife
Cecilie  (English)
Variant of Cecilia: a Feminine Form of Cecil, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Caecilius, Which is Based on the Latin 'Coccus' Meaning 'Blind'
Cecilio  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Cecillo  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Cecillus  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Cecily  (English)
Variant of Cecilia: a Feminine Form of Cecil, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Caecilius, Which is Based on the Latin 'Coccus' Meaning 'Blind'
Cedrick  (Welsh)
Variant of Cedric: War Leader; Gift of Splendor
Cedrych  (English)
Variant of Cedric: Cedric Was a Character in Sir Walter Scott's Novel Ivanhoe. Possibly Derived from a Misspelling of Cerdic, a King of Wessex, or from the Welsh Cedrych, Meaning Bounty-pattern
Cedrych  (Welsh)
Variant of Cedric: War Leader; Gift of Splendor
Celena  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena
Celene  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena
Celenia  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena
Celenne  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena
Celestina  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin Caelestis Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestina  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestine  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Five Popes Have Been Named 'Celestine', Two of Whom Were Canonized
Celestine  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celia  (Latin)
From the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Celia
Celicia  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celie  (French)
Variant of Cecilia - Blind
Celina  (Greek)
Variant of Selina: Moon Goddess
Celina  (French)
Variant of Celine: French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia or Selena
Celina  (Latin)
Hammer. Also Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celinda  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celine  (French)
French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia or Selena
Celinna  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celio  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Ceredig  (Welsh)
Variant of Cerdic: Cherished
Ceretic  (Welsh)
Variant of Cerdic: Cherished
6138 names found for "Arian"   (page 32 of 123) 

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Additional Names

Quennel | Anson | Kaspar | Isabella | Aiyana | Nisreen | Heshmon | Derrica | Tiffany | Trisha | Nasnan | Chelsee | Waydell | Rosie | Annabelle |