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Names That Mean Arian

6138 names found for "Arian"   (page 55 of 123) 

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Looking for names that mean Arian? We couldn't find the exact name Arian, but listed below are some first names meaning Arian or names similar to the word Arian.

Similar Names

Ahriman | Aram | Aran | Arana | Arawn | Aren | Arien | Arion | ArIyn | Arman |

Related Names

Em  (German)
Variant of Emma: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'Ermin' or 'Irmin', Meaning Universal. Also a Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Starting With Em-
Emanuel  (Spanish)
With Us is God. Variant of Hebrew Name Immanuel. A Biblical Name-title Applied to the Messiah
Emanuela  (Hebrew)
Feminine Variant of Emanuel, Meaning God With Us
Emanuele  (Italian)
With Us is God. Variant of Hebrew Name Immanuel. A Biblical Name-title Applied to the Messiah
Ember  (English)
Anniversary. Ember Day is a Day in Lent Devoted to Fasting and Prayer. Also Modern Usage As Rhyming Variant of Amber
Emblem  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emblem  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emblyn  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emblyn  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emeline  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emeline  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emelyn  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emelyn  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emery  (German)
Brave; Powerful. from the Old German Name Emmerich, Derived from 'Amal', Meaning Labour and 'Ne', Meaning Ruler. Variant of Amory. Commonly Used As a Surname
Emery  (English)
Brave; Powerful. Variant of Amory
Emil  (French)
Variant of Emile: Eager
Emil  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emilek  (French)
Variant of Emile: Eager
Emilia  (German)
Variant of Emily
Emilio  (French)
Variant of Emile: Eager
Emilo  (French)
Variant of Emile: Eager
Emils  (French)
Variant of Emile: Eager
Emily  (German)
Feminine Form of Emil: from the Roman Family Name Aemilius, Meaning 'Industrious.' Also a Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Emily  (Latin)
Industrious; Striving. from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emlyn  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emlyn  (English)
Variant of the French Emmeline, Which Ultimately Derives from the Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor
Emmaline  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmaline  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmalyn  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmalyn  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmanuel  (Latin)
With Us is God. Variant of Hebrew Name Immanuel. A Biblical Name-title Applied to the Messiah
Emmanuela  (Hebrew)
Feminine Variant of Emanuel, Meaning God With Us
Emmanuil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Emanuel: God is With Us; God is Among Us
Emmeline  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmery  (German)
Variant of Emery: Head of the Household; Leader of the Household
Emmet  (German)
Variant of Emmett: Powerful
Emmett  (English)
Male Variant of Emma; a Premedieval Girl's Given Name
Emmot  (German)
Variant of Emmett: Powerful
Emmott  (German)
Variant of Emmett: Powerful
Emmy  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmy  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emory  (English)
Brave; Powerful. Variant of Amory
Emory  (German)
Variant of Emery: Head of the Household; Leader of the Household
Ena  (English)
Variant of Ina: a Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Ena  (Irish)
Ardent, Graceful. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also Feminine Form of Aidan: Fire
Eneas  (Irish)
Variant of Aeneas: Praise
Eneki  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Elenek: Avid; Eager
Eneti  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Elenek: Avid; Eager
Eniryt  (Greek)
Variant of Ambrose: Immortal. British Military Leader Ambrosius Aurelianus Was Probably a Prototype for Legendary King Arthur
Enock  (Hebrew)
Variant of Enoch: Learned
6138 names found for "Arian"   (page 55 of 123) 

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