Looking for names that mean Arian? We couldn't find the exact name Arian, but listed below are some first names meaning Arian or names similar to the word Arian.
Harriet(English) Rules the Home. Feminine Form of Harry (From Henry). Famous Bearer: Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin, ). A Variant of Henrietta
Harriet(French) Variant of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Harry(English) A Variant of Henry Meaning Home or House Protector. Also Can Be a Diminutive of Harold: 'Army Commander.'. Army, Weald Power. Famous Bearer: Prince Harry of England (Son of Prince Charles and the Late
Harry(German) Variant of Henry: Home or House Ruler. Nickname of Prince Henry, Son of Prince Charles and the Late Princess Diana of Wales
Haseena(Muslim) Variant of Hasina: Beautiful. Pretty
Heidi(French) Variant of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide, Th
Heinrich(German) Rules His Household. Variant of Henry
Helaine(French) Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Helena(English) Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Helena(Greek) Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Helene(French) Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Helene(Greek) Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Helewise(English) A Variant of the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide
Hendrick(Scandinavian) Rules His Household. Variant of Henry
Henri(French) Variant of English Henry 'Rules His Household.'
Henrick(Scandinavian) Rules His Household. Variant of Henry
Henrik(Scandinavian) Rules His Household. Variant of Henry
Hepzibah(Hebrew) Variant of Hephzibah: My Delight is in Her
Herald(English) One Who Proclaims. Also Variant of Harold 'Army Commander.'
Herald(Teutonic) One Who Proclaims. Also Variant of Harold 'Army Commander.'