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Meaning of the Name Arianna

The first name Arianna is of Greek, Italian, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Divine
Italian: Form of the Greek Ariadne, Meaning Very Holy
Greek: Holy
Greek: Variant of Ariadne: Chaste, Very Holy. Ariadne Was Greek Mythological Daughter of King Minos of Crete Who Aided Theseus to Escape from the Cretan Labyrinth After Killing the Minotaur
Latin: Variant of Greek Mythological Ariadne Who Aided Theseus to Escape from the Cretan Labyrinth

Similar Names

Aeriona | Aran | Arana | Araunah | Arawn | Aremana | Arian | Arien | Arion | ArIyn |

Related Names

Darianna  (Latin)
Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Karianna  (Scandinavian)
Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure
Marianna  (Hungarian)
Bitter or Grace
Marianna  (Russian)
Form of Mary ;Rebellious (Masha)
Marianna  (Russian)
Marianna  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter

Additional Names

Aldin | Blanch | Guilio | Pernel | Ingemur | Griselda | Crosby | William | Sayfuddeen | Centaurus | Aodha | Amalia | Fonzell | Saabira | Shiri |