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Meaning of the Name Arien

The first name Arien is of Greek, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: A Greek Poet and Musician. The Mythological Magic Horse Born to Poseidon and Demeter
Hebrew: Enchanted

Similar Names

Aaren | Ahren | Aran | Arawn | Aren | Arian | Arion | ArIyn | Arman | Armen |

Related Names

Arienh  (Celtic)
Darian  (Greek)
Gift. Also a Variant of Darin. Poet John Keats Described the Moment of Discovery When Explorers Stood 'silent Upon a Peak in Darien.'
Darien  (Greek)
Gift. Also a Variant of Darin. Poet John Keats Described the Moment of Discovery When Explorers Stood 'silent Upon a Peak in Darien.'
Darienne  (Latin)
Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darion  (Greek)
Gift. Also a Variant of Darin. Poet John Keats Described the Moment of Discovery When Explorers Stood 'silent Upon a Peak in Darien.'
Darrian  (Greek)
Gift. Also a Variant of Darin. Poet John Keats Described the Moment of Discovery When Explorers Stood 'silent Upon a Peak in Darien.'
Darrien  (Greek)
Gift. Also a Variant of Darin. Poet John Keats Described the Moment of Discovery When Explorers Stood 'silent Upon a Peak in Darien.'
Darrion  (Greek)
Gift. Also a Variant of Darin. Poet John Keats Described the Moment of Discovery When Explorers Stood 'silent Upon a Peak in Darien.'
Marien  (Dutch)
Variant of Mary: Bitter

Additional Names

Cornelius | Osbart | Milton | Aksel | Josie | Ikerne | Jaareh | Gorman | Brid | Everardo | Doyle | Gal | Achaean | Anaxarete | Aimil |