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Names That Mean Arin

365 names found for "Arin"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Arin? We couldn't find the exact name Arin, but listed below are some first names meaning Arin or names similar to the word Arin.

Similar Names

Aaren | Aaron | Aherin | Ahren | Aram | Aran | Arana | Arawn | Aren | Arian |

Related Names

Kathleen  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kathryn  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Kathryn  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kathy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Kathy  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Katle  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Katle  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Katriane  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Katy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Katy  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kay  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kelleeka  (Scottish, Irish)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm
Kellicka  (Latin)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving. Good Charm Sensitive
Kellina  (Scottish, Irish)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm
Keon  (American)
Sweet, Caring, Intelligent, and Wealthy
Kester  (Gaelic)
Bearing Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christopher. (Kes-ter)
Kitty  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Kitty  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Laraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Larin  (Latin)
Variant of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. Can Also Be Interpreted As the English Version of the Irish Name Lorcan: Fierce
Larina  (Latin)
Sea Gull; Protection. Derived from 'Lares' - Individual Roman Household Gods Who Were Protectors of Home and Fields
Larina  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Lars
Larinda  (Latin)
Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)
Larine  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Lars
Larraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lauraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Leopold  (German)
Daring Ones
Liluye  (Native American)
Singing Hawk While Soaring
Liluye  (Native American)
Chicken Hawk Singing When Soaring
Lorraine  (French)
From Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lorraine  (Scottish)
A Surname Derived from the Name of a Province in Eastern France Which is Derived from the Latin Lotharingia (Territory of the People of Lothar). Variations: Lorane. Short Forms: Lori, Lorri. (Lor-rane
Lotharing  (German)
Famous in Battle
Lychorida  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' Nurse to Marina
Maath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Maath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Magdiel  (Biblical)
Declaring God, Chosen Fruit of God
Magdiel  (Biblical)
Declaring God, Chosen Fruit of God
Mahath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Mahath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Majestas  (Latin)
Royal Bearing; Dignity. Majestas Was Roman Goddess of Honor
Majesty  (Latin)
Royal Bearing; Dignity. Majestas Was Roman Goddess of Honor
Marin  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marin  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marina  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marina  (Latin)
Of the Ocean and Sea
Marina  (Slavic)
From the Sea
Marina  (Russian)
From the Sea
Marina  (Scottish)
Anglicized Form of Mairi, Which is a Gaelic Form of Mary. (Mah-ree-nah)
365 names found for "Arin"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Shaalbonite | Dyami | Arumah | Chimham | Nidhi | Mallory | Vanchit | Perizzites | Lang | Corrissa | Terrelle | Ryon | Qudamah | Francine | Ravana |