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Meaning of the Name Arlis

The first name Arlis is of Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Variant of Arles: Promise

Similar Names

Arles | Arlice | Arlys | Arlyss | Arlais | Arliss |

Related Names

Arliss  (Irish)
High Fort. A Place Name
Arliss Arly  (Hebrew)
Variant of Arles: Promise
Cairistiona  (Gaelic)
A Follower of Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christina. Variations: Carlisle. Pet: Stineag. (Kare-ih-styo-nah)
Carlisle  (English)
From the Protected Tower; from the Walled City. Also a Place Name in Britain
Carlisle  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Bishop of Carlisle
Carlyle  (English)
Variant of Carlisle: from the Protected Tower; from the Walled City
Charlisa  (French)
Feminine of Charles Meaning Manly
Corliss  (English)
From the Name Carl or Carlisle
Karlis  (French)
Strong and Masculine
Marlis  (German)
Marlisa  (German)
Marlisa  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marliss  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala

Additional Names

Manvil | Oki | Laurina | Ardelia | Heallfrith | Ratna | Machi | Lotte | Mattie | Silkie | Lucille | Clady | Dada | Kendall | Boyne |