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Names That Mean Arte

103 names found for "Arte"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Arte? We couldn't find the exact name Arte, but listed below are some first names meaning Arte or names similar to the word Arte.

Similar Names

Aart | Arad | Ard | Arete | Art | Arth | Arthw | Artie | Arto | Arty |

Related Names

Cyntia  (Spanish)
Variant of Greek Name Cynthia - One of the Names of the Mythological Mood Goddess Artemis Referring to Her Birth on Mount Cynthus
Daric  (Gaelic)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Daric  (Irish)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darick  (Gaelic)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darick  (Irish)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darrick  (Gaelic)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darrick  (Irish)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darroch  (Gaelic)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darroch  (Irish)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darrock  (Gaelic)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darrock  (Irish)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Deidre  (Gaelic)
Sorrow, Brokenhearted; from Mythology, Deidra of the Sorrows (Dedra, Dee, Dee Dee, Didi)
Deirdre  (Irish)
Raging, Broken-hearted, or Fear. The Deirdre of Irish and Scottish Legend Committed Suicide After Her Lover's Murder
Deirdre  (Scottish)
Raging, Broken-hearted, or Fear. The Deirdre of Irish and Scottish Legend Committed Suicide After Her Lover's Murder
Delia  (Greek)
From Delos. Derived from the Name Delos, the Greek Island Where Apollo and the Goddess Artemis are Believed to Have Been Born. Also an Abbreviation of Cordelia and Adelia
Desiree  (French)
Desired. The One Desired. Famous Bearer: Napoleon Bonaparte's Mistress
Duarte  (Portuguese)
He Who Watches Over the Land
Duarte  (Spanish)
Prosperous Guardian. Variant of Edward
Gavin  (Celtic)
Hawk of Battle, Courageous, Witty, No Deep Worrying, Light-hearted Concerning Love
Gay  (French)
From the Old French Word 'Gai', Meaning Merry or Light-hearted
Gaye  (French)
From the Old French Word 'Gai', Meaning Merry or Light-hearted
Gaye  (English)
Light-hearted and Merry (Gay)
Griff  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Griffen  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion. Note: This Database is Copyright , Muse Creation
Gryphon  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Harte  (Teutonic)
Harte  (English)
Stag. Strong; Brave. Surname
Ichabod  (Hebrew)
Departed Glory
Ichabod  (Hebrew)
No Glory. The Glory Has Departed
Ichabod  (Hebrew)
The Glory is Departed, Serene, Serious-minded, Industrious
Jager  (English)
Jagger  (English)
Jocelyn  (Latin)
Light Hearted
Josephine  (French)
May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). A Feminine Form of Joseph. Famous Bearer: French Empress Josephine, Wife of Napoleon Bonaparte
Llewellyn  (Celtic)
Lion-like, Lightning, Warm-hearted, Sympathetic, Just, Reserved in Company
Luna  (Latin)
The Moon. in Mythology Luna is One of the Names of Artemis the Moon Goddess
Marteena  (French)
Feminine of Martin: Warring
Martel  (Latin)
Martel  (German)
Warrior of Mars
Martell  (German)
Warrior of Mars
Martella  (Latin)
Marten  (Scandinavian)
Warrior of Mars
Martext  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Son of Sir Rowland De Boys. 'As You Like It' Sir Oliver Martext, a Vicar
Martin  (Latin)
Warlike (Marty, Marten, Martie, Martyn)
Mildred  (Teutonic)
Daring, Hard -hearted, Elegent, Clear Intellect, Unconventional
Napoleon  (Italian)
Lion of Naples. Famous Bearer: Napoleon Bonaparte (-)
Oliver  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Son of Sir Rowland De Boys. 'As You Like It' Sir Oliver Martext, a Vicar
Taurean  (Latin)
Bull-like. Refers to the Saint Taurinus. Taurus is a Constellation Picturing the Forequarters of a Bull and is Second Sign in the Astrological Zodiac
Taurus  (Latin)
Bull-like. Refers to the Saint Taurinus. Taurus is a Constellation Picturing the Forequarters of a Bull and is Second Sign in the Astrological Zodiac
Terence  (Latin)
Tender, Another Form is Terry, Soft-hearted, Easily-swayed, Cultured
103 names found for "Arte"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

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