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Names That Mean Arth

557 names found for "Arth"   (page 3 of 12) 

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Looking for names that mean Arth? We couldn't find the exact name Arth, but listed below are some first names meaning Arth or names similar to the word Arth.

Similar Names

Aart | Arad | Ard | Arete | Art | Arte | Arthw | Artie | Arto | Arty |

Related Names

Arty  (American)
From the Name Arthur
Atur  (Celtic)
Variant of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Auctor  (Arthurian Legend)
Foster Father of Arthur
Avalon  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Burial Place
Avani  (Indian)
Avani  (Hindu)
Avani  (Hindu)
Avanindra  (Hindu)
Lord of the Earth
Avanindra  (Indian)
king of the earth
Avanindra  (Indian)
king of the earth
Avanish  (Indian)
god of the earth
Avanish  (Indian)
god of the earth
Avaron  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Burial Place
Avarona  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Burial Place
Avilon  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Burial Place
Azalea  (Latin)
Dry Earth; Dry. A Flower Name
Azalia  (Latin)
Dry Earth; Dry. A Flower Name
Azibo  (Egyptian)
Bardo  (Danish)
Danish Form of Bartholomew
Bardo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname
Bart  (Hebrew)
Ploughman. A Diminutive of Bartholomew. Famous Bearer: London's St Bartholomew's Hospital is Frequently Called 'Bart's'
Bartalan  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Bartholomew 'Farmer'
Bartel  (English)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer; from the Barley Farm
Barth  (English)
Son of the Earth; Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname
Barth  (Hebrew)
Son of Tolmai
Barthel  (English)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer; from the Barley Farm
Barthelemy  (Aramaic)
Barthelemy  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Barthelmy  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholemew  (Hebrew)
Hill, Furrow
Bartholome  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomeo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomeus  (Dutch)
Bartholomeus  (Swedish)
Bartholomew  (Biblical)
A Son That Suspends the Waters
Bartholomew  (Hebrew)
Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartholomew  (English)
Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomew  (Hebrew)
Son of Furrows, Ostentatious, Proud, Affectionate, Leads a Lonely Life
Bartholomew  (Hebrew)
Son of Tolmai
Bartholomieu  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Barthram  (English)
Glorious Raven
Bartle  (English)
Diminutive of Bartholomew Dating to the Th Century; Most Used Commonly As a Surname in Modern Times
Bartle  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlet  (English)
Diminutive of Bartholomew Dating to the Th Century; Most Used Commonly As a Surname in Modern Times
Bartlet  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlett  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlett  (English)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer; from the Barley Farm
Bartoli  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartolo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartolomeo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
557 names found for "Arth"   (page 3 of 12) 

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Additional Names

Quentin | Kei | Ayla | Parbar | Francesca | Adniel | Audris | Keir | Audria | Cecelia | Katharine | Garan | Columbo | Marion | Dennie |