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Names That Mean Assa

113 names found for "Assa"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Assa? We couldn't find the exact name Assa, but listed below are some first names meaning Assa or names similar to the word Assa.

Similar Names

Aga | Agha | Aisea | Aja | Akua | Aqa | Asa | Ase | Ash | Asha |

Related Names

Telassar  (Biblical)
Taking Away, Heaping Up
Telephassa  (Latin)
Wife of Agenor
Thalassa  (Greek)
From the Sea
Thalassa  (Latin)
Thalassa  (Greek)
The Sea
Tiassale  (African)
It is Forgotten
Tiphsah  (Biblical)
Passage, Leap, Step, the Passover
Tiphsah  (Biblical)
Passage, Leap, Step, the Passover
Twitchel  (English)
Lives on a Narrow Passage
Twitchell  (English)
Lives on a Narrow Passage
Wahanassatta  (Native American)
He Who Walks With His Toes Turned Outward (Cheyenne)
Washington  (English)
From the Intelligent One's Farm; from the Town of Wassa's People. Famous Bearer: First U.S. President, George Washington (-)
Wynda  (Scottish)
From the Narrow Passage

Additional Names

Iago | Charvaka | Philetus | Camdyn | Malcolm | Dwight | Wolsey | Patton | Gustel | Caldwell | Ceres | Wendeline | Baptista | Emlyn | Laraine |