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Names That Mean Aste

270 names found for "Aste"   (page 3 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Aste? We couldn't find the exact name Aste, but listed below are some first names meaning Aste or names similar to the word Aste.

Similar Names

Asad | As'ad | Awst | Agate | Asita | Asta |

Related Names

Easter  (American)
From the Holiday
Easter  (English)
Born at Easter. from the Name of the Christian Festival, Which is Based on Eostre, the Name of a Germanic Spring Goddess. Sometimes Also Used As a Variant of Esther
Eastre  (English)
Born at Easter
Ecclesiastes  (Biblical)
A Preacher
Edgar  (Teutonic)
Rich Spear, Prudent, Calm, Affectionate, Discriminating Tastes
Ellar  (Scottish)
Variant of Eallair: Monastery's Steward
Etheldreda  (English)
From the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Famous Bearer: St Etheldreda, Later Known As St Audrey, Founded a Monastery at Ely
Eve  (Hebrew)
Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man
Eveleen  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Eve: Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man
Evie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Eve: Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man
Ezbon  (Biblical)
Hastening to Understand
Faith  (English)
Faith and Devotion, from Cardinal Virtue,Chaste, Unimaginative, Studious
Faste  (Norse)
Fergus  (Celtic)
Man of Strength, Masterful, Sincere, Virile
Fife  (Scottish)
Scottish Surname Originating from the Place-name Fife, a Region in Eastern Scotland. Fife is Thought to Be Named for Fib, a Legendary Pictish Hero Who Was One of the Seven Sons of Craithne. Variations
Gaspar  (Hispanic)
Master of Treasure
Gaspar  (Persian)
Treasure Master
Gazsi  (Persian)
Treasure Master
Ginger  (English)
A Diminutive of Virginia, Meaning Pure, Chaste, Virginal. A Common Nickname for People With Red Hair. Also Means Pep or Liveliness, Refering to the Pungent Ginger Root. Famous Bearer: American Dancer-
Ginny  (English)
A Diminutive of Virginia, Meaning Pure, Chaste, Virginal
Guru  (Indian)
teacher, master, priest
Hadley  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Heath Near the Wasteland
Hastein  (Norse)
Son of Atli
Heath  (English)
Heath  (English)
Wasteland; from the Earth. Origin: Middle English
Henbeddestr  (Celtic)
Fastest Man
Hlaford  (Anglo Saxon)
Holofernes  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Schoolmaster
Hushai  (Biblical)
Their Haste, Their Sensuality, Their Silence
Hushai  (Biblical)
Their Haste, Their Sensuality, Their Silence
Hushathite  (Biblical)
Man of Haste; or of Silence
Hushim  (Biblical)
Man of Haste; or of Silence
Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Ines  (Spanish)
Meek. Chaste. Variant of Agnes
Ines  (Italian)
Chaste. Variant of Agnes
Inessa  (Russian)
Chaste. Variant of Agnes
Inez  (Greek)
Variant of Agnes: Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'
Inez  (Spanish)
Pure. Chaste. The Spanish Version of Agnes
Innes  (Scottish)
Surname Derived from the Name of a Barony in the Former County of Moray in Northeastern Scotland. Innes is Derived from the Gaelic Innis (Island). (In-nes)
Jahzeel  (Biblical)
God Hasteth, or Divideth
Jameelah  (African)
Chaste. (Somali) (Swahili)
Jamila  (African)
Chaste (Somali)
Jamilah  (African)
Variant of Jameelah: Chaste. (Somali)
Jamilia  (African)
Variant of Jameelah: Chaste. (Swahili)
Jasper  (English)
Master of the Treasure
Jehucal  (Biblical)
Mighty, Perfect, Wasted
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Jezebel  (Biblical)
270 names found for "Aste"   (page 3 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Bjame | Katharine | Samanjas | Erick | Inghram | Amyntas | Laish | Sproul | Lucienne | Jules | Varouna | Atalaya | Walby | Hridaynath | Kasmy |