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Meaning of the Name Atum

The first name Atum is of Egyptian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Egyptian: Whole

Similar Names

Adam | Adem | Adom | Atemu | Aten | Aatun | Atun | Autumn |

Related Names

Bratumil  (Polish)
Brotherly Love
Entoria  (Latin)
Lover of Satum
Satum  (Latin)
God of the Harvest
Tatum  (English)
Brings Joy
Tatum  (English)
Tatum  (Scandinavian)
Zestfully Enthusiatic (Tate)
Ur Atum  (Egyptian)

Additional Names

Ilana | Sahar | Noadiah | Cenwalh | Kalil | Ata | Kenley | Lance | Gaspar | Enok | Fie | Sylvana | Ysolde | Aleema | Amelia |