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Names That Mean Atur

116 names found for "Atur"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Atur? We couldn't find the exact name Atur, but listed below are some first names meaning Atur or names similar to the word Atur.

Similar Names

Adar | Adir | Adwr | Ater | Athar | Ator | Attar | Attor | Atara | Atera |

Related Names

Tempest  (English)
Turbulent or Stormy Nature
Teva  (Hebrew)
Thetis  (Greek)
Mythical Creature
Tivona  (Hebrew)
Lover of Nature
Tivona  (Hebrew)
Love's Nature
Victoria  (Latin)
Conqueror, Self-willed, Intellectual, Couragious, Home Loving Nature
Waylan  (English)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers. Modern Singer Waylon Jennings
Waylan  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers. Modern Singer Waylon Jennings
Wayland  (English)
From the Land by the Highway. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Wayland  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Waylin  (English)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers. Modern Singer Waylon Jennings
Waylin  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers. Modern Singer Waylon Jennings
Waylon  (English)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers. Modern Singer Waylon Jennings
Waylon  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Wayland. The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland Was a Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers. Modern Singer Waylon Jennings
Yvonne  (Teutonic)
Archer, Graceful, Inconstant, Calm Flirtatious Nature
Zadornin  (Basque)

Additional Names

Azhar | Lisa | Dionis | Julie | Ban | Phillippa | Phillipe | Forbes | Ardolf | Viktoria | Najy | Nanette | Richard | Leneta | Brann |