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Names That Mean Aure

340 names found for "Aure"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Aure? We couldn't find the exact name Aure, but listed below are some first names meaning Aure or names similar to the word Aure.

Similar Names

Ar | Ara | Are | Ari | Arie | Arri | Ary | Arye | Aira | Aura |

Related Names

Loryn  (English)
Variant of Lawrence Meaning from Laurentium
Lowri  (Welsh)
Crowned With Laurels
Lowri  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Laura, Meaning Laurel
MacMaureadhaigh  (Irish)
Son of Murray
Malloren  (American)
Laurel of Bad Luck
Mary  (Hebrew)
Sympathetic (Mari, Marie, Maria, Marian, Marion, Mariann, Marilee, Marilyn, Marietta, Marlene, Marlena, Marline, Maureen, Maura, Nnoira, May, Mimi, Molly, Mollie)
Maure  (Latin)
Maureen  (Irish)
Maureen  (French)
Dark Skinned
Maureen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Maureen  (Latin)
Maureen  (Celtic)
Maureen  (Scottish)
Sea of Bitterness or 'Dark Skinned'; Derived from Mary. Variations: Maurene, Maurine. (Mor-reen). Origin: Scottish
Maureen  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Maurelle  (French)
Dark and Elfin
Maureo  (Portuguese)
Dark-skinned; a Moor
Maureo  (Spanish)
Dark-skinned; a Moor
Moira  (Gaelic)
Baby Mary; Variation of Maureen (Maurene, Marine, Mora, Morena)
Monicalaure  (French)
Monicalaure  (Greek)
Panya  (Russian)
Diminutive of Stephania(L) Crowned With Laurel
Panya  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Rance  (English)
Short for Laurence
Renzo  (Latin)
Renzo  (Italian)
Laurel. Abbreviation of Lorenzo
Staffan  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stefan  (Russian)
Russian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stefan  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stefano  (Spanish)
Crown of Laurels
Stefano  (Italian)
Italian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stefanya  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels. Note: 'This Database is Copyright Muse Creations Inc. '
Stephan  (Russian)
Russian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stephania  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Stepka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stesha  (Russian)
Diminutive of Stephania (Gr) Crowned With Laurel
Stesha  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Taurean  (Latin)
Bull-like. Refers to the Saint Taurinus. Taurus is a Constellation Picturing the Forequarters of a Bull and is Second Sign in the Astrological Zodiac
Taurean  (African American)
Strong As a Bull
Tauret  (Egyptian)
Goddess of Pregnant Women
Tauret  (Egyptian)
Mythical Goddess of Pregnant Women
340 names found for "Aure"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Angelisa | Ursola | Zaavan | Rashidah | Dayakar | Lundie | Manuel | Glinys | Dena | Garuda | Rook | Thecla | Vahe | Melaina | Cliff |