Looking for names that mean Aure? We couldn't find the exact name Aure, but listed below are some first names meaning Aure or names similar to the word Aure.
Stefano(Italian) Italian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stefanya(Russian) Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels. Note: 'This Database is Copyright Muse Creations Inc. '
Stephan(Russian) Russian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stephania(Russian) Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Stepka(Russian) Russian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Stesha(Russian) Diminutive of Stephania (Gr) Crowned With Laurel
Stesha(Russian) Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Taurean(Latin) Bull-like. Refers to the Saint Taurinus. Taurus is a Constellation Picturing the Forequarters of a Bull and is Second Sign in the Astrological Zodiac