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Meaning of the Name Aurlel

The first name Aurlel is of Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Possibly a Variant of the Names Aureola and Aureole Which Were Derived from the Latin Aureolus Meaning Golden

Similar Names

Arel | Ariel | Arlee | Arley | Aurel | Aureli | Auriel | Aurele | Auriol |

Related Names

Auriol  (Latin)
Variant of Aurlel: Possibly a Variant of the Names Aureola and Aureole Which Were Derived from the Latin Aureolus Meaning Golden

Additional Names

Herald | Adriel | Hezir | Omer | Sherman | Vasek | Calendre | Dima | Jonina | Apocalypse | Susy | Leandro | Fuad | Chenzira | Injerd |