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Meaning of the Name Axton

The first name Axton is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Swordsman's Stone

Similar Names

Acteon | Acton | Aiston | Ashton | Aston | Agaton | Astin |

Related Names

Braxton  (English)
Brock's Town
Daxton  (English)
Reference to the French Town Dax
Patrick  (Latin)
A Patrician, Nobleman (Paddy, Paddie, Pris, Pat, Patric, Patten,Paxton,Payton)
Paxton  (English)
From the Peaceful Farm
Paxton  (Teutonic)
Paxton  (Latin)
Village of Peace (Pax, Paxon, Packston, Paxten)
Paxton  (Latin)
Town of Peace
Saxton  (Teutonic)
Swordsman. Knife
Saxton  (English)

Additional Names

Alson | Caley | Staunton | Ruth | Aimon | Cindia | Barron | Gabrielle | Thamah | Modesty | Michele | Shaughn | Blaize | Peulthai | Madge |