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Meaning of the Name Babs

The first name Babs is of English, Roman origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Roman: Unusual, Foreign

Similar Names

Baasu | Bac | Baca | Baqi | Bas | Base | Bash | Baug | Bax | Baz |

Additional Names

Inoke | Hezekiah | Destry | Ioseph | Burhan | Aliptha | Tami | Colby | Gualtiero | Uadjit | Eily | Baptiste | Caiphas | Jehush | Abram |