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Meaning of the Name Bacchus

The first name Bacchus is of Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: God of Wine

Similar Names

Baccaus | Baccus | Baucis | Bach |

Related Names

Denney  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennie  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennie  (Greek)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennis  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennison  (Greek)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Denny  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)

Additional Names

Nasib | Remington | Jaylene | Toinette | Heramba | Sheena | Izrahiah | Dionysius | Malia | Colin | Aegyptus | Chryses | Katelin | Myra | Dis |