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Meaning of the Name Badi

The first name Badi is of Islamic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Islamic: Wonderful, Marvelous

Similar Names

Baadi | Bade | Bat | Batt | Beda | Bede | Boda | Bodhi | Bodi | Bodie |

Related Names

Badi'a  (Muslim)
Unprecedented. Admirable. Unique
Obadiah  (Hebrew)
God's Servant (Obadias, Obed)
Obadiah  (Biblical)
Servant of the Lord
Obadiah  (Hebrew)
Servant/Worshipper of the Lord. Obadiah Was the Prophet Who Wrote the Shortest Book in the Old Testament
Zebadiah  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Zebadiah  (Hebrew)
God's Gift
Zebadiah  (Biblical)
Portion of the Lord; the Lord is My Portion

Additional Names

Moriah | Anahid | Azurine | Kesin | Krysanthe | Abdul Lateef | Wylie | Laurlnda | Holwell | Noe | Hezrai | Otaktay | Watelford | Isi | Broden |