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Meaning of the Name Bani

The first name Bani is of Hindu origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Vani,Saraswati

Similar Names

Baen | Bain | Bama | Ban | Bana | Banain | Banan | Bayne | Bean | Beini |

Related Names

Albana  (Hispanic)
From the Light (Alba, Albanita)
Amiens  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Lord Attending on the Banished Duke
Baniti  (Egyptian)
Belarius  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' a Banished Lord, Disguised Under the Name of Morgan
Gershon  (Biblical)
His Banishment; the Change of Pilgrimage
Gogarty  (Irish)
Hanes  (Biblical)
Banishment of Grace
Hanes  (Biblical)
Banishment of Grace
Japhlet  (Biblical)
Delivered, Banished
Japhleti  (Biblical)
Delivered, Banished
Jaques  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Lord Attending on the Banished Duke. 'As You Like It' Son of Sir Rowland De Boys. Orlando
Jerusha  (Biblical)
Banished, Possession, Inheritance
Morgan  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' the Disguised Identity of Belarius, a Banished Lord
Paltiel  (Biblical)
Deliverance; or Banishment; of God
Rosalind  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Daughter to the Banished Duke
Shebaniah  (Biblical)
The Lord That Converts; or Recalls from Captivity
Tarah  (Biblical)
A Hair, a Wretch, One Banished
Tarah  (Biblical)
A Hair, a Wretch, One Banished
Thembani  (African)
Trust in the Lord
Urbania  (Latin)
Born of the City
Wendi  (English)
Literary; a Created Name That First Appeared in James Banie's Peter Pan
Wendy  (English)
Literary; a Created Name That First Appeared in James Banie's Peter Pan

Additional Names

Naresh | Kiyoshi | Ambrosius | Adena | Wyatt | Ahisma | Persephone | Leona | Mushtaree | Michal | Evander | Hierapolis | Visala | Bohort | Arcene |