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Meaning of the Name Bearach

The first name Bearach is of Gaelic, Irish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Spear
Irish: Spearlike

Similar Names

Barak | Barakah | Baruch | Berachah | Bergh | Beric | Birch | Brac | Burch | Baraka |

Related Names

Bearchan  (Irish)
Variant of Bearach: Spearlike
Bercnan  (Irish)
Variant of Bearach: Spearlike
Bergin  (Irish)
Variant of Bearach: Spearlike

Additional Names

Celestyna | Aisling | Mychaela | Kasturi Ranga | Greer | Tommy | Gautier | Flavian | Antony | Bevin | Tassa | Diomedes | Erwin | Willoughby | Pragya |