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Names That Mean Bell

244 names found for "Bell"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Bell? We couldn't find the exact name Bell, but listed below are some first names meaning Bell or names similar to the word Bell.

Similar Names

Baal | Bal | Bala | Bali | Balu | Baul | Beal | Beale | Beall | Bela |

Related Names

Bella  (Latin)
A Diminutive of Isabella. Also a Diminutive of Annabella and Arabella Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Bella  (French)
Bella  (Latin)
Bella  (Spanish)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bella  (Hebrew)
Devoted to God
Bella  (Hungarian)
Bella  (French)
Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaninn Beautiful
Bellamey  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamie  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamy  (English)
Good-looking Companion
Bellamy  (French)
Bellance  (Italian)
Bellangere  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Alexandre
Bellden  (English)
Variant of Beldon: Beautiful Vale/Valley
Belldon  (English)
Variant of Beldon: Beautiful Vale/Valley
Belle  (French)
Pretty, Beautiful
Belle  (Hungarian)
Belle  (French)
Fair. Lovely One. Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaning Beautiful
Belle  (German)
Diminutive of Belinda: from the Old German Betlindis, Which is Derived from the Word for Snake
Belle  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Belle  (Latin)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Amabel, Annabel, Belinda, or Isabel
Belle  (Spanish)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Belle  (French)
Bellerophon  (Greek)
Slew Chimera
Bellerophon  (Latin)
Son of Glaucus
Bellini  (Italian)
From the Name Belle
Bellinus  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Bellissa  (Italian)
Fair; Lovely One
Bello  (African)
Bellona  (Latin)
Goddess of War
Beten  (Biblical)
Beten  (Biblical)
Beth-nimrah  (Biblical)
House of Rebellion
Beth-nimrah  (Biblical)
House of Rebellion
Betonim  (Biblical)
Betonim  (Biblical)
Bonnibelle  (Scottish)
From the French 'Bon' Meaning Good. in Scottish Usage 'Bonnie' Means Pretty or Charming
Cam  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Campbell: Crooked Mouth; and of Cameron: Bent Nose; Crooked River
Camp  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Campbell: Crooked Mouth
Campbell  (Gaelic)
Crooked Mouth
Campbell  (Scottish)
Derived from a Scottish Surname Based on the Gaelic Meaning Crooked Mouth. Campbell is Used Occasionally As a First Name in Scotland, and in Families of Scottish Descent in Other Parts of the World
Campbell  (French)
From the Beautiful Field
Campbell  (Scottish)
Used As a Surname Originated from the Gaelic Nickname Cam Beul (Crooked Mouth). Variations: Cam,Camey
Chimera  (Greek)
The Monster Killed by Bellerophon
Christabella  (Latin)
Beautiful Christian
Christahel  (Latin)
Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful. Famous Bearers: S. T. Coleridge's Poem Christabel; British Suffragette Christabel Pankhurst
Christie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Christahel: Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful
Christy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Christahel, Meaning Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful. Also a Variant of Christiana, Meaning Follower of Christ
Clan'bella  (Latin)
Claribelle  (Latin)
244 names found for "Bell"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Mikazuki | Thaddeus | Rameshwari | Darrelle | Keoni | Satchel | Valda | Evelyn | Berengaria | Oxford | Saline | Maud | Jarnsaxa | Elmer | Llewelyn |