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Names That Mean Belle

67 names found for "Belle"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Belle? We couldn't find the exact name Belle, but listed below are some first names meaning Belle or names similar to the word Belle.

Similar Names

Beal | Beale | Beall | Bela | Belah | Belay | Bell | Bello | Bill | Billie |

Related Names

Maribel  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribell  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribella  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribelle  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribelle  (Hebrew)
Maribelle  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Mirabelle  (Latin)
Variant of Mirabel: Wonderful
Mirabelle  (French)
Of Wondrous Beauty
Mirabelle  (French)
Of Incredible Beauty
Naazneen  (Muslim)
Variant of Naznin: Delicate. Belle
Naznin  (Muslim)
Delicate. Belle
Orabelle  (English)
Beautiful Seacoast
Oribelle  (Latin)
Beautiful Golden Child
Rosabelle  (Latin)
Beautiful Rose
Rosabelle  (German)
Noted Protector. Also a Variant of Rose: Horse; Fame
Rosabelle  (English)
Variant of Rose: Rose (Flower Name)
Ysabelle  (Italian)
Italian Form of Isabel: Conseacrated to God

Additional Names

Hapu | Tevin | Taurus | Leontyne | Lenora | Osgood | Henuite | Terence | Dixie | Kenriek | Donnel | Stacy | Holland | Lindsay | Jeriah |