Looking for names that mean Bert? We couldn't find the exact name Bert, but listed below are some first names meaning Bert or names similar to the word Bert.
Philibert(French) French Derivitive of the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright. Famous Bearer: Th Century French Abbot St Philibert
Philip(Shakespearean) 'King John' Bastard Half Brother to Robert Faulconbridge. 'King John' King Philip of France
Rab(German) Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Rabbie(German) Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum