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Meaning of the Name Berth

The first name Berth is of Welsh origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Welsh: Legendary Son of Cadwy
Welsh: Beautiful

Similar Names

Bart | Barta | Barth | Barto | Beeroth | Berde | Berdy | Bered | Berith | Bert |

Related Names

Abertha  (Welsh)
Aberthol  (Welsh)
Berta  (English)
Variant of Bertha: from Old English Beorht Meaning Bright. in Use Since the Norman Conquest. in World War I a German Howitzer Was Nicknamed Big Bertha
Bertha  (German)
Bertha  (English)
From Old English Beorht Meaning Bright. in Use Since the Norman Conquest. in World War I a German Howitzer Was Nicknamed Big Bertha
Bertha  (German)
From Old German Berhta Meaning Bright, Intelligent. Famous Bearer: in World War I a German Howitzer Was Nicknamed Big Bertha
Bertha  (Teutonic)
Shining One, Simple, Domesticated, Gracious
Bertha  (Teutonic)
Berthe  (French)
Berthog  (Welsh)
Berthold  (English)
Variant of Bert: Bright Light
Berthold  (German)
Derived from Old German Words Meaning Bright-power. Also Bright Ruler
Berthoud  (German)
Variant of Berthold: Bright Strength
Bertold  (German)
Variant of Berthold: Bright Strength
Bertolde  (German)
Variant of Berthold: Bright Strength
Engelbertha  (German)
Bright Angel

Additional Names

Mert | Anulekha | Melia | Andrew | Theodoric | Chinua | Poshita | Lantz | Ambar | Fareeda | Branton | Nuru | Keitha | Scaffeld | Ramsey |