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Meaning of the Name Berti

The first name Berti is of Aramaic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Aramaic: Ploughman

Similar Names

Bardi | Bart | Barta | Barth | Barto | Baruti | Berde | Berdy | Bered | Berith |

Related Names

Albertina  (Teutonic)
Noble, Brilliant, Outstanding
Albertina  (German)
Noble, Bright. Feminine of Albert
Albertina  (Teutonic)
Feminine Form of Albert: Intelligent or Noble
Albertina  (English)
Feminine Form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert Meaning Noble and Bright. Albert Became Popular in England After Queen Victoria Married Prince Albert in Noble, Bright
Albertina  (French)
Feminine Form of Albert
Albertine  (German)
Noble, Bright. Feminine of Albert
Albertine  (Spanish)
Albertine  (Teutonic)
Feminine Form of Albert: Intelligent or Noble
Albertine  (English)
Feminine Form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert Meaning Noble and Bright. Albert Became Popular in England After Queen Victoria Married Prince Albert In
Bertel  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Bertil: Bright
Bertie  (Teutonic)
Noble, Outstanding, Brilliant
Bertie  (French)
Diminutive of Bertrand: Intelligent; Glorious Raven. French Form of the German Bertram, Meaning Bright-raven. Philosopher and Mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some Scholars Believe the Second Syllable
Bertie  (English)
A Diminutive of Bertram, Bertrand, Albert, and Other Names Ending in -bert. Noble, Bright. Variant of Bert, Meaning Industrious
Bertil  (Swedish)
Bertil  (Scandinavian)
Bertild  (Teutonic)
Commanding Battle Maiden
Bertilda  (Teutonic)
Commanding Battle Maiden
Bertilda  (English)
Shining Battlemaid
Bertilde  (English)
Shining Battlemaid
Bertilde  (Teutonic)
Commanding Battle Maiden
Bertille  (Teutonic)
Outstanding Warrior Maiden
Bertille  (French)
Bertin  (Spanish)
Variant of Berton: Good Friend. Famous Bearer: Canadian Singer/Songwriter Burton Cummings
Bertin  (Teutonic)
Shining Friend
Bertin  (English)
Variant of Bert Industrious
Bertina  (German)
Bertine  (Teutonic)
Intelligent Maiden
Egbertina  (English)
Shining Sword
Egbertine  (English)
Shining Sword
Elbertina  (English)
Noble or Glorious
Elbertina  (Spanish)
Elbertine  (English)
Noble or Glorious
Engelbertina  (German)
Bright Angel
Engelbertine  (German)
Bright Angel Note: 'This Database is Copyright Muse Creations Inc. '
Gilbert  (German)
Bright Pledge. from the Old German Name Gisilbert. Famous Bearer: Twelfth Century British St. Gilbert Founded the Gilbertine Order, Sir W. S. Gilbert Was Half of the Musical Composing Team Gilbert and
Gilbertine  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Hrothbertina  (English)
Bright or Famous
Robertia  (English)

Additional Names

Dee | Giolla Chriost | Lauryn | Somerville | Liam | Rishi | Celeste | Davin | Damone | Ea | Kyleigh | Dal | Phylo | Marika | Moor |