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Meaning of the Name Birkey

The first name Birkey is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Birch Tree Island

Similar Names

Barke | Berke | Birk | Birke | Birkee | Birkie | Birky | Burke |

Related Names

Birkee  (English)
Variant of Birkey: Birch Island
Birkie  (English)
Variant of Birkey: Birch Island
Birky  (English)
Variant of Birkey: Birch Island

Additional Names

Agrafine | Iphedeiah | Eldaah | Amerigo | Holle | Pol | Senusnet | Rooney | Erato | Kalatapaswi | Lusio | Gilda | Gertrude | Maisha | Sisyphus |