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Meaning of the Name Birney

The first name Birney is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Lives on the Brook Island

Similar Names

Barney | Barny | Berne | Berny | Birnie | Birny | Burne | Burney | Byrne |

Related Names

Birnie  (English)
Variant of Birney: Small River or Stream With an Island
Birny  (English)
Variant of Birney: Small River or Stream With an Island
Burnie  (English)
Variant of Birney: Small River or Stream With an Island

Additional Names

Pearline | Ayaan | Albina | Eachann | Thabit | Cadence | Mathilda | Asenka | Theomund | Asim | Vasuki | Maddie | Frayne | Modesto | Nibaw |