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Meaning of the Name Blas

The first name Blas is of Spanish, German origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Spanish: Stutters
German: Firebrand

Similar Names

Balak | Balasi | Ballas | Beals | Belus | Bialas | Black | Blaec | Blais | Blaise |

Related Names

Blasa  (German)
Blasa  (Spanish)
Blase  (French)
Lisp, Stutter
Blase  (Latin)
Variant of Blaise: One Who Stutters
Blasia  (Latin)
Blasius  (Swedish)
Blastus  (Biblical)
That Buds or Brings Forth
Blastus  (Biblical)
That Buds or Brings Forth
Maza blaska  (Native American)
Flat Iron (Dakota)
Maza Blaska  (American)
Piece of Flat Iron

Additional Names

Teal | Moncreiffe | Kiahna | Nigel | Maqbool | Jago | Valerio | Tag | Aileen | Sadhana | Inigo | Cathair | Shunem | Adalia | Chrystie |